Bean Burrito

When you need a satisfying meal, not much hits the spot quite like this tasty baked Bean Burrito. It combines warm, spicy chilli with savoury wraps to make something a little bit different. The creamy, cheesy topping finishes this perfectly and gives it a great savoury edge. This uses half of your HEA allowance (or 3 syns) in the cheese topping and 1 of your HEB allowances (or 5.5 syns) in the wrap. This also means that on an SP day you could, if you were feeling super hungry, have two of these bad boys, using all your HEA and both HEB in one swoop but being certain of a real feast! I served this with a romaine salad, tomatoes and some roast cauliflower but it goes well with all sorts of veg or salads. You could also swap in any suitable chilli mixture you enjoy as the filling or potentially try a quark-based topping if you prefer. This dish is a useful way to use up leftovers or additional portions from the freezer in a different way. Indeed, the unfilled wraps...