Asparagus and Ricotta Frittata

With the spinach ready to harvest in our garden and plenty of fresh asparagus in the shops I couldn't resist experimenting with them both - the result is this delicious Asparagus and Ricotta Frittata. Easy to make, full of filling protein and packed with nutrient-rich vegetables this feels like a delicious summer treat and it makes a great addition to lunch boxes and picnic hampers. This is essentially a reworking of the classic crust-less quiche so popular on many healthy eating plans, but I've refined the measurements to my taste and added some different elements that I've found make this a more tempting treat. You can use any oven-proof dish you wish to make this - I went for a square deep Pyrex glass dish I usually make lasagne in as I find a square or oblong shape portions more useful for lunchboxes. Depending on whether you use ceramic, glass or metal tins and the diameter of your dish, the times may vary slightly on my timings below. However, it really does...